Today (15 April 08) was a BLAST! Kenape?
It started out when we were doing P.E. (Pendidikan Jasmani)
Cik Malatih (my olahraga coach -_-") came and made us train for the olahraga. We had to run half of the field repetitiously. I lost all my energy on the third round. Unfortunately, lightning strikes. It's not that I'm afraid of lightning but the lightning strike was so LOUD as if two large boulders crash into each other.
Drops of rain fell down on my scalp, signaling that is was going to rain. I noticed that we had twenty minutes left before school activities end. I took my bag from the assembly stage and ran into the canteen. Then, I searched for Thiviya and Min Li.
After successfully finding them, I talked with my friends in 1 Amanah. We couldn't stop laughing. Three of my friends won't stop melatah at every time we poke them. Some of them said:
"1...2...3... LOMPAT KE ATAS!!", "OH HANTU!", "OH SOPIQ I LOVE YOU!", "ALIF TERJERIT MACAM MONYET!" and I recalled one of them said "OH ALIF KISS ME!" (LOL! 8D I poked the girl who said that... teeheehee)
Then, the bell rang. I tried my best to follow Min Li but it was soo windy that almost everyone left the ground. The place was flooded with rain. Even the deeper c0rners were flooded with rain. Reika, Min Li and I couldn't stop shrieking when we felt our shoes being filled with raindrops. Seriously, the rain was pouring. Heavily.
We bumped into Sue-Ann, a friend who walks with me and Min Li. Luckily, Min Li brought her umbrella and the two of us snuggled under it to keep away from the rain. We stopped for a minute to wait for Xian Jing, Letisha and Sue-Ann.
We began chatting loudly about the rain and how fun it was. I was the first to start kicking the water near the sidewalk and purposely splashed Xian Jing and Sue-Ann. Then, Xian Jing snuggled underneath the umbrella with Min Li and I while Letisha was with Sue-Ann. We began screaming and "woot"ing the whole time.
We look like idiots. But, who cares? Better enjoy the moment. 8D
I asked Xian Jing, "Why are you walking with us?" Of course, I shouted over the rain so that she could hear me.
"I'm going to Leti's house," She replied. (Leti is Letisha, okay? 8D)
Letisha's dad arrived at the scene, where he picks up Xian Jing and Letisha together to go to Leti's house. At the same time, Min Li's mother came. Min Li convinced me to join her but I said I want to stay under the rain longer. So, I did.
While Min Li gets into her mother's car, Xian Jing offered me Min Li's umbrella since she will be riding in Leti's dad's car. So I took it and walked with Sue-Ann. When Leti's dad zoomed away, I waved goodbye vigorously like an idiot. Then, suddenly Sue-Ann started singing a song.
"I can make it through the rain~~" It was the song 'Through the Rain' by Mariah Carey. Immediately, I joined in the singing.
"I can stand up once again~" We sang half of the chorus. We were having so much fun that we sang the chorus off-key and out of tune. Well, who cares?
Then, Min Li offered us to ride in her mom's car. So, we accepted. I couldn't get into the car because Min Li's umbrella had a problem of being closed. So, Min Li had to climb out and close the umbrella for me before the three of us entered the car. In the car, we began cheering in joy.
All of us were soaking wet. Sue-Ann's mother JUST left as soon as we made it to her house in Min Li's mom's car. I gave back Leti's umbrella and said that Sue-Ann should give it to Leti tomorrow at school. Then, Min Li's mother drove us off to her house. Sadly, I had to walk out of the car.
It was still pouring and I was already wet from head to toe. I walked back with my maid and here I am, sitting in front of the computer... Still a bit wet but I already changed my school's sports uniform to a pair of blue pants and a white shirt. Today was the coolest day in April 08. There's no point in denying it. WOOTS!
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