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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

School Drama Part V

(Sighs) Oh, bengangnye! Tak habis-habis ade drama ni. Hish, sakitnye kepala aku...

It's official. J and WE are really dating each other. Oh, talk about betrayal between WE and her friend, K. K was sad but actually delighted that she wasn't in WE's shoes after realizing that J was actually a sweet-talker/player. And she wasn't surprise that he failed in his big exam and tumbled down to the forth lousiest class.

She took no sympathy to him. However, she still several problems along the line. Her former bestfriend/crush MA was being such an asshole upon realizing that he has so many admirers. She felt as if she was going to rip his head off and couldn't but sigh deeply. It was really annoying to hear about him. Besides that, she's been a bit lonely while sinking in the fact that she'll be single for the next several *possible* years.

Now, she's getting the idea of losing her single status to search for a guy. Can she find one? Hopefully so but it better not be a conceited asshole.

That's all I have in my pocket right now. Dad's been stressing the goddamned shit out of my brain to follow in their footsteps as being lame and boring engineers. Fuck...

- Peace out!-

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